Sahat Hutauruk


Created control information system operation of air transport facilities (drone / microlight trike)

Client :

Indonesian Ministry of Forestry

Website :

Size : 200+

Date : 2021 - 2022

Work :

  • Meeting with client by googlemeet/zoom to data collection (4+ times)
  • Analyze data & create erd, dfd, database relation, flowchat, use case, class diagram, develop, socialization, maintenance system
  • Setup project to VPS (OS Linux Ubuntu )
  • Teams With Me : Tester | Frontend | Documentation
  • Tech : PHP | Vue | Mysql | Git | Jquery | VPS

Data Flow Diagram :

  • Entity consist of(microlight trike, drone, pilots, satker, mechanic flight,sparepart)
  • Process make a schedule flight activities and determine who the pilots and determine satker/location are
  • Process pilots record activities while on duty dan fill in logbook form and The photos obtained will be uploaded to sysem as report to supervisors, whether in the form of pdf files, doc,xls, images
  • Process after activity finised, mechanik will do services microlight trike, drone, Are there any spare parts that need to be replaced or is it just services (this activity record to system), how many hours flight used
  • Reporting that needed management in pdf format

The Results :

Number of database tables
6+ Month
Development Time Until GoLive
8+ Month
System Warranty - Maintenance Extension
Average Records
Average records incoming per day

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