Sahat Hutauruk

Online Resume

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Sahat Hutauruk

Full Stack Engineer


Hi, my name is Sahat Hutauruk. I am a Full Stack Engineer who has more than 15 years experience, liked as programming since 2006. Experience has made systems such as : crm, erp, savings & loans, finance, purchase/sales order, accounting, invoice, account receivable, account payable, inventory & others . Like challenges, Completing an application and being able to be used by others well is a very good achievement for me. You can download my resume here Resume PDF. Thank You

Work Experiences

Data Migation

BSI | May 2021 - Mar 2022 | Remote

BSI Company is Toyota Coorporate and they want to build same system to all dealer Toyota in Indonesia, so BSI hire me to migration data from all dealer to 1 database, my task is :

  • Create validator application with php how to migrate data excel dealer to database SQL Server
  • Create stored procedure/cronjob, Iplemetation/maintance validator app to IT support, how to use the validator.
  • Tech : PHP, SQLServer

Full Stack Engineer

Soho Global | Apr - Jun 2021 | Remote

Soho Global is pharmacy distribution company, soho global hire me to create whatsapp businness API app

  • Create app to send broadcast message/video/image/message template
  • upgrade project to vps ubuntu, git and upload to cloud.
  • Tech : React, Node, MySQL, Docker, Heroku Cloud.

Full Stack Engineer

iMMAP NGO | Oct 2018 - Des 2019 | Onsite

iMMAP is NGO company and I'v a job to make iGRC(iMMAP Global Resource Center) it means is iMMAP want has a their own repository product such as (icon, image, report template or something like that) so, immap in every country has same the product.

  • Develop system to setting management access product who is user request& response each other and upload product access role.
  • Tech : Laravel, Jquery, Vue, MySQL, Setup VPS

Full Stack Engineer

Telkomsel | Feb 2016 - Nov 2017 | Onsite

Telkomsel is the cellular telecommunication company, in Telkomsel, I get job (developer, custom, analyst system and implementation system) or make a application what employees need

  • Create ditribution card telkomsel system, finance system, dashboard, report, etc
  • Tech : Laravel, MySQL, React Native, Vb.Net

Software Developer

Awal Bros Hospital | Jan 2010 - Nov 2012 | Onsite

In Awal Bros Hospital Coorporate, when I work here, Awal Bros Hospitas is in 5 Province, Awal Bros Hospital upgrade their old system (clipper) to web base (all module SIRS) and my task is :

  • Develop system SIRS all module, migrate data, analyst data to make report, socialization system to user, setup system to awal bros server and many more
  • Tech : Jquery, PHP, MySQL, Java, SMS Gateway, Setup LAN

EDP (Entry Data Point)

Wavin Rucika | May 2007 - May 2009 | Onsite

PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika is one of the largest PVC pipe manufacturers in Indonesia with the main brand Rucika:

  • Support Wavin system such as (create reports employees need from system database)
  • Tech : Vb.Net, PHP, MySQL


Indonesian Ministry of Forestry
2020 - 2022 | Open Source

created control information system operation of air transport facilities (drone / microlight trike)

PT. Graha Triago Medika

2017 - 2018 | Open Source

create system crm (customer relationship management) & erp (enterprise resource planning)

Indonesian Ministry of Health BTKL

2016 - 2017 | Open Source

create monitoring employee performance applications & monitoring of laboratory sample examination customers services

Permata Bank Medan

2013 - 2014 | Open Source

create a system savings & loans(savings, loans, installments, sale & purchase of products, accounting)

PT.GPS Finance

2012 continues 2017 | Open Source

Create a finance management system (contracts, installments, deposits, redemption, withdrawals, accounting)


My website is good SEO and some article still get top rangkings on google search engine. I write about AI expert system, decision support systems, data minning, cryptograph, etc, for some articles have been used as references in journals, research and listed in the bibliography. To prove it, type in google(" daftar pustaka" or " bibliography")

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